Recommended Readings – The Old Testament
October 15, 2018Books of Special Interest
There are some books that should be in every Christian home or should be possessed by every believer who is desirous of studying the Word of God. If just one book were purchased each month, all of these works could be possessed in about one year. These will be used repeatedly. They include:
- Scofield Reference Bible (Oxford University Press). This includes introductions, annotations and subject chain reference.
- The Ryrie Study Bible in the New American Standard Version (Moody Press). Includes introductions, notes, outlines, etc.
- Dispensationalist Today by Charles Ryrie (Moody Press) will help you understand dispensations of the Bible.
- A Survey of Bible Doctrine by Charles C. Ryrie (Moody Press). This is a book that will help you understand what the Bible teaches.
- Strong’s or Young’s Concordance. This will list the occurrence of every word that is found in the Bible.
- Unger’s Bible Dictionary (Moody Press). There are over 7,000 articles, over 500 photographs, drawings, and maps.
- The Bible Study Commentary– New Testament Edition. John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, editors (Scripture Press-Victor Books).
- Unger’s Commentary on the Old Testament (2 volumes) (Moody Press).
- Major Bible Themes by John F. Walvoord (Zondervan). This is a book that will help you understand what the Bible teaches.
- Unger’s Bible Handbook (Moody Press). A concise commentary on the entire Bible. A literal library of pertinent Biblical data.
- The Unfolding Drama of Redemption by W. Graham Scroggie (Zondervan). A synthetic handbook of the Bible that includes 230 charts, 37 maps and 176 study outlines.
- You mean the Bible Teaches That? By Charles C. Ryrie (Moody Press). This valuable paperback book treats divorce, suicide, demon activity, situation ethics, race, women’s lib, civil disobedience, abortion, evolution and capital punishment.